Customer Comments and Reviews
Here is what people are saying about our products.
date: 2005-08-24
location: Orlando, FL
used with: Sony DXC-D30
On 2005 Aug 24, Thom Moynahan wrote:
Lens flare is always a problem working in the sunshine state. I shoot tv news and your mattebox/flag works great in direct overhead sun. your product is a good value and gets the job done. It makes my camera look real intimidating as well.
On 2005 Aug 19, David Wheeler wrote: Just got the “Blox” and the pictures are off the chart. It is the must accessory. Great product, solidly built and I’m not going have to skip meals for the next six months to pay for it. Thanks Cinetactics David Wheeler
April 2005 issue page 14.
As a portable and extremely lightweight product the Matteblox is a great addition to a small kit. As mentioned, I especially loved the optional oversize flag when testing the product as it steps in when the standard french flag doesn’t quite do the job.
Camera Corner: Cinetactics Matteblox Matte Box System
After testing the Matteblox and accessories on my camera I found a lot to like about the system. It is rugged, portable, light and offers significantly improved control of lens flare, at a very reasonable price. Cinetactics’ Greg Mote said the company will continue to refine their product, and are open to any suggestions from their customers. Upcoming changes to the line, according to Mote, will be availability of the Matteblox system in black and an improved Velcro fastening system. I found the current product to be well-designed and extremely functional, and a worthwhile purchase for those who need what the Matteblox offers.
PDX10 with Matteblox and Century .65WA
I just posted some quick pics of my new PDX10 outfitted with a Century Optics .65 WA convertor and a Matteblox hood from cinetactics.com. I have only had this package for a few days and only today shot some footage with the WA convertor on in 4×3 as well as in 16×9.
Anyway, when I can I will upload some pics from my PDX10 with adapter on in 4×3 and 16×9 for those who are interested. I will also include my 2 cents worth review of both the WA convertor from Century Optics and the Matteblox from cinetactics…

Cinetactics MatteBlox Mattebox DVX100 review by Jarred Land
News -> Articles -> Cinetactics Matteblox review
The Cinetactics Matteblox is a very affordable mattebox/filter system for the DVX100. It not only works well, but it also looks sharp. The setup is very quick and folds down for fast transport. For a run and gun shooter or videographer, it is a very rugged product that you don’t need to worry about breaking in harsh environments and movement. The only faults we found was the filter system is a little hit and miss, although it is a very fast filter system.
Cinetactics Matteblox looks sweet
Posted by sunny ( on October 24, 2003 at 21:10:01:
Anybody get one of these yet at http://www.cinetactics.com/ It looks waaay better than the other matte boxes out there besides the ones that cost over 800 bucks. I like the super sized french flag. It just looks so trick.